2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí + Drake = Des Moines’ New Home Field Advantage

For more than 100 years, Drake University and 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí have partnered in ways big and small to serve the educational needs of Iowa’s capital city.

That relationship has grown even stronger with the announcement of a proposed plan to develop Mediacom Stadium, the new 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí venue on the campus of Drake University.

While factors such as supply chain delays and material cost increases delayed the original plan, the bids are now approved, and work is beginning on a facility to benefit both 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí and Drake students for years to come.

Mediacom Stadium is scheduled to begin hosting events in the Fall of 2023.

For more information on this exciting project, that will be used by all 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí high and middle schools as well as provide a new home field for Drake soccer, please visit the pages in the menu to the right.

Mediacom Stadium Construction Progress Photos