The mission of 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí Advanced Learning is to systematically identify, support, and advocate for the needs of students with exceptional abilities.
The Advanced Learning Program serves students who have needs beyond the regular classroom curriculum. We work with teachers to support advanced learners in the classroom, and we work with students directly to meet their needs. We collaborate to provide opportunities for our students, and we also provide support for parents. For more information, we invite you to click on the links below; contact one of the new department supervisors (see names and e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page); or contact the Advanced Learning consultant assigned to your neighborhood school. A link to our updated faculty/staff roster appears above!
For a brief INTRODUCTION TO OUR TWO NEW ADVANCED LEARNING DEPT SUPERVISORS — JILL ALESSIO & CHELSIE MURPHY — who replaced Dr. Jolene Teske, who accepted a post at the University of Iowa’s Belin-Blank Center, effective July 1, 2024, we invite you to check out PAGE TWO of the SPRING 2024 ISSUE OF OUR DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTER .