Keeping the 2023½ñÍí°ÄÃÅ¿ªÌØÂí Community Safe and Secure


If you have an emergency situation with your child, please contact your child’s school directly. Contact information for individual schools is available under the Schools menu above.

If there is a district-wide emergency situation, please do not telephone your child’s school as the phone lines will be otherwise occupied. Updated information on district-wide events will be available through the local news media, the school district’s web site, and/or the school district’s Facebook and Twitter page.

Weather-Related Closings/Delays/Dismissals

In the event of severe weather, schools will either be closed for the entire day, begin 2 hours later, or be dismissed 2 hours early.

Announcements will be made through the local news media, the school district’s web site,  the school district’s Facebook and Twitter pages, and Infinite Campus/SchoolCNXT. Detailed information on the impact of school closings due to severe weather is available here.